"But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." ~ James 4:6
Meditation: Have you ever wondered why there are those who just seem to be abundantly blessed? No, they may not have the finest of material things, but there is that something special about them that clearly shows God's hand print upon their life. It could very well be the gift of grace in action in their life. James 4:6 says that God resists the proud, but He gives grace to those who are humble. So, allow me to ask you, "Are you walking in pride or humility?"
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for reminding us that we can go so much farther if we choose humility over pride. No matter how far You take us, no matter how high You elevate us, let us be ever mindful to always look to You. For You are the author and finisher of our faith, and without You, we are nothing, and we can do nothing. In Jesus' name we pray. AMEN.